
Workshops for groups are offered here in three various forms: Mindful Jam Session, Express Your Inner Fool and Death Meditation.

Mindful Jam Session

A meditative jam session is a unique experience that allows individuals to explore their musicality collectively in a safe and encouraging environment. This session invites musicians of all levels to come together and spontaneously create harmonious melodies and rhythms, flowing with whatever comes up in the moment. The atmosphere is encouraging participants to let go of their worries and immerse themselves in the meditative power of music, by starting with just listening and feeling... then, when the time is right, try out a few sounds and see what happens...

Whether one is playing an instrument, singing or simply listening, this meditative jam session offers a rejuvenating experience for the mind, body, and soul. And to expand ones creative comfort zone just a little...

man playing upright piano
man playing upright piano
Express Your Inner Fool

Express Your Inner Fool is a group workshop for the ones interested in letting go of all social pretenses and just be silly and have fun together. It is the opening into a very famous archetype that we all know deep inside of us from childhood, even if many of us forgot and now play the role of serious adults. But! If you, when you read this text, feel called to experience this journey through different stages of silliness, goofiness and complete and fun madness, this is probably for you!

OBS! This workshop has been controlled and lab tested at Ängsbacka Festival & Retreat Center with glorious results. You can therefore rest assured and feel complete ease about joining this wack-a-doo-doo workshop into an unforgettable experience - with friends, family, colleagues or whoever floats your boat!

man with black beard and mustache
man with black beard and mustache
Death Meditation

Death Meditation is a more serious process and group workshop to go deep inside. It's for the ones eager to delve deeply into one's own fear of death, seeing and accepting the truth of the human condition and where all fears are born from: the fear of death.

And through this process we may subsequently learn to appreciate and open up more to life itself.

lit candle in hand
lit candle in hand